Commit 85ab10

2025-01-05 03:03:31 Ch0wW: -/-
goldsrc/counter-strike/betas-releases (steam).md ..
@@ 35,21 35,3 @@
As VALVe copyrights the name, any unofficial mod or game being named "Counter-Strike" is purposely censored by STEAM. Thankfully, it has no incidence
You'll have to modify your `liblist.gam` and rename the `game` token to `CS Beta 7.0` or `CS 1.3` for instance.
- # Create a Server
- ## Using Linux
- You can simply start it the same way as a regular server, just change the `-game` parameter to the version of Counter-Strike you want to run.
- ## Using Windows
- If you desire hosting a server on Windows, you can create a batch file inside the HL1 folder (see example below)
- Batch example: Hosting a CS Version 1.0 server on cs_assault, using port 27015 (the default one) with a maximum of 16 players:
- ```sh
- set PORT=27015
- set GAME=cstrk10r
- set MAP=cs_assault
- start hlds.exe -game %GAME% +maxplayers %MAXPLAYERS% +map %MAP%
- ```
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9